A Comprehensive Guide to Scaling Web & Mobile Apps on AWS – Part 1

aws software

I published a 12,000+ word guide in January on AirPair.com on building scalable apps on Amazon Web Services. I’ve been a longtime Hacker News reader so it was gratifying to see the article get 500+ upvotes on Hacker News! It also attracted about 30,000 readers in the first 24 hours of publication.

Part 2 of the article is brewing right now, mostly in the form of gaining the real-world experience necessary to write a thorough and helpful guide.

Read the Article on AirPair.com

Update/December 25, 2016 : AirPair.com has been down for a few days now, so if you’d like a copy of the article just email me and I’ll send you a PDF.

Regarding Part 2, I have all the knowledge and experience to write it, but I’ve been busy getting our new “DevOps as a Service” company Gruntwork up and running. I’d like to make it a Q1-2017 goal to publish Part 2, and will report back here once I’ve formally committed to that. Thank you for all your interest!

Update/January 6, 2017: Looks like AirPair is back online, so you can view the article there now!


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